Before I met the Ornithology class for a field trip to Mecox Bay, I ran out to Montauk to get a look at the NORTHERN WHEATEAR. When I arrived, Ken Fuestel and Mike Higgiston were watching the bird and I walked right up and was treated to a full-field view in Ken's spotting scope. I proceeded to watch the Wheatear for about an hour. It spent most of the first half hour on the ground, often standing atop the numerous piles of cow dung. It then flew about 50 meters giving excellent views of its "white arse." As I was leaving Bobby Rosetti and Dave Klauber arrived, and I was able to repay my debt by having the bird in my scope when they arrived. I should point out that this is only the third Northern Wheatear that I have seen on Long Island in 44 years of birding.
I went to the pasture south of the road where I searched in vain for a Yellow-headed Blackbird in a flock of about 150+ Common Grackles.
Despite the 15 mph east winds, the field trip to Mecox was a great success birdwise, but was a disappointment in that only two students showed up. We were also joined by Sam Kramer. The low attendance was also unfortunate because we saw several species that we will probably not see again during the course because they will have migrated south. I will let the students report on the birds seen at Mecox.
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