Mass pandemonium struck the flock of mixed breed bantam chickens. Hens ran to save them selves. The roosters ran at attention. Young mother hen, distraught over the death of 12 of her babies in one-week time, gathered her remaining two under her wings. The horror that caused this commotion was an adult red tailed hawk. Silent and swift, down it came from the trees, over the paddocks, and in front of the barn. Trying to get at the chicks, still in their juvenile plumage with a crop full of stuffing, the hawk attempted to break up the mother-chick trio. Pumpkin and fallowing three roosters ran at the hawk, which in a shocked disposition, retreated to the riding ring fence. A loud shout from Mona, the estates owner and horse caretaker, send the hawk back to the woods on the out skirts of the farm.
… the flock is safe for another day
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