Monday, October 10, 2011

A Big Surprise

Yesterday morning as I was waiting for the Ornithology students to arrive for our field trip, I heard a loud chip near the high school parking lot at Ross. At first I thought it might be a Fox Sparrow, but as I approached I realized that the chip note was not correct for that species. After spishing for a few seconds, I got a few glimpses of the bird: HOODED WARBLER, a species I have never seen on Long Island in fall before. I tried to get Mamoun and Noah to see it, but the bird was elusive.

At Dam Pond in East Marion a little while later, a lone PINE SISKIN flew overhead calling.

Today I went to Montauk with Peter Polshek. There were many birds about especially Yellow-rumped Warblers, Eastern Phoebes, and several species of sparrows. Highlights were an adult GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at the south field at Deep Hollow, and a PEREGRINE, COOPER'S HAWK, AMERICAN KESTREL, MERLIN & TURKEY VULTURE at Third House. We saw 2-3 WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS this morning as well.

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