Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bird watching

Although the pickings are slim in my neighborhood, I was able to catch a glimpse of a few birds. The most common bird that I saw was the Blue Jay (cyanocitta crisata). It was easily identifiable by its bright blue plumage and white white wing bar. Large groups of Canadian Geese are also quite abundant in East Hampton. American Crows are also a common fly-by bird. The cry of the crow is very noticeable as well as their oily black plumage. I also caught sight of a few Black-capped Chickadees on my bird feeder. Their white eye stripe and black crown is very noticeable when viewing from a close distance. Atop a large tree near my house, I was also able to spot a Tufted Titmouse perched on a branch. The rusty colored under wing area was the most noticeable characteristics along with the grey crest.

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