Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mecox and Sagg Main Birding Trip.

I had very high expectations for this birding trip, and I was not disappointed. We ventured to Sagg Main beach and Mecox bay to look for shore birds, and they were plentiful. We spotted semipalmated plovers, piping plovers, golden plovers, killdeer, some terns, ring billed gulls, caspian gulls, laughing gulls, cormorants, skimmers, great egrets, snowy egrets (with their yellow feet), and blue herons. Seriously, it was a lot of birds. We were also visited by an osprey and a northern harrier hawk. Sharp-eyed Gabby spotted a belted kingfisher across the bay, and it had a super cool head. I really liked the semi-confused flock of migrating blue jays that were floating around, but I was most impressed with Doc's reaction to the prothonotary warbler. It was a pretty cool bird, and I was feel privileged having seen it.

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