Sunday, September 25, 2011

Second Weekend

This weekend I was on the hunt... not really, of course. On my rounds this weekend I went to a farm next to a sod farm, which was covered with what seemed like thousands of Starlings (It was like something out of the horror story "The birds". They were pitch black with tiny little specks of white. Mixed in with them were what I personally think we American Crows (all black birds that looked exactly like crows and were a little larger than the starlings). On main road in Jamesport, there is a large pong with a pair of swans residing in it, AND a very large blue/gray bird with long legs that was just wandering around in the grass on the edge of the pond... I think its a great blue herring. As usual I was serenaded by a screech owl... its finally nice to know what is making that noise, as well as what I still believe to be a Whippoorwill. And on the North Sound ferry this evening, I noticed three different Gull's. One was all white with some sharp gray on its wings, another was white with brown on its back and wings, and the third was white with a really dark gray color on its wings... all had dark coloration on their tails. I didn't see the hawks though, which was rather odd, but what ever, they prob made like birds and flew away

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