Sunday, October 23, 2011

Could it be? A LOON?

Today while, sitting on my porch, i took out the binoculars to check out all the birds chilling on the pond. I counted a total of 145 canada geese, 110 which were adults and 35 juveniles. 2 mute swans (which are almost double the size of the goose aka huge!) In with the crew was a curious smaller bird that was flapping up its wings. At first i came to the conclusion that it was a Red Necked Grebe. I thought it must have been in its winter plumage because it didn't have a red neck. But as i researched the grebes i realized they don't live on long island ever.... Then because of its long straight and sharp bill, it led me to me to conclude that it was a common loon. I didn't assume this off the bat because the winter plumage in my bird guide was quite different than the winter plumage I later researched online. I am now quite certain it was a common loon i saw. (I also see why Doc doesn't recommend the bird guide I was using, it is considerably more difficult to identify the birds).

While i was furiously looking through my bird guide, a song sparrow landed on the tree right next to me, and i was pretty proud to have identified it within seconds, without binoculars or my poopy field guide. It was an exciting yet frustrating bird experience; Birding is so much easier with the Doc!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made a huge blooper! there were 35 JUVENILE geese and i think about 110 adults. I originally said there were a total of 35, which i will change.