Monday, October 3, 2011

Birding at the beach

On Saturday and Sunday I went to the beach in Southampton. The first day, on the way to the beach, I saw a brown bird on the telephone pole that I watched for a while. By observing its round head, and sleek body with frayed feathers and light brown spots on a light brown body, I came to the conclusion that it was an immature black-crowned night-heron.

When I finally got to the beach, I walked through the dunes and took little paths to be sneaky and creep up on the birds. I heard many, but only saw two Herring gulls on the beach flying. I believe they were in their second winters because they were slightly brown but still gray, and I could clearly see the black tip of their beaks.

I was excited with my findings and observations. FIRST GROUP BIRDING EXPERIENCE THIS WEEK! GET AMPED! :)

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