Monday, October 10, 2011

That Dam Pond!

Despite the lack of Zebulon Jowers, our bird banding adventure was a successful one. The morning started off with Doc charging through the woods after the sound of a bird, which turned out to be a Hooded Warbler . After that exciting experience we took of to the North Fork. We ventured across two ferries and picked up a few other birders on the way. When we finally arrived to Dam Pond we were greeted by the smell of a decomposing animal off of the path. We arrived at the banding station, which was composed of two fine silk nets that were set up on the sides with a table and chairs set up to band the birds which would be caught in the nets. To my surprise we caught up to nine birds and each of us got to hold a bird. I was fortunate enough to hold a cat bird which was putting up a fight in the bag I was holding him in earlier. During our time there we saw the following birds: swamp sparrow, golden crown kinglet, myrtle warbler, white breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, tufted titmouse, ruby crowned kinglet and a phoebe. Despite the dead animals which we endured on the trail, I would say we had a very eventful day.

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