Monday, October 17, 2011

canoe birding

Yesterday, I stepped out side in the morning and heard so many bird sounds calling back and forth. I recognized a couple blue jays and 2 black capped chickadees singing back and forth to each other in the trees. As I was watching these birds I remembered that I wanted needed to back to the pond and re-identify the blue binged teal through my binoculars. So i headed out on the canoe, looking at for the duck again. However no such blue winged teal found me (or whatever type of duck i had seen before.

I did see a few of cool birds that i was happy to be able to identify. 3 mute swans were gliding around, one preening its feathers. I could tell the species from its long curved neck, black head and orange bell. I identified a song sparrow in a tree which was very exciting after the lark sparrow. " rich, russet-and-gray bird with bold streaks down its white chest, the Song Sparrow is one of the most familiar North American sparrows" (cornell birds).

This weekend I have also seen 2 american robins in separate situation the trees and what i think was a mourning dove chilling in my bush but i am not sure cause i didn't have binoculars...

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